On Saturday, September 19 I attended Wavecrest 2009 in Encinitas, CA. This year is the 30th anniversary of Wavecrest, the largest all Woodies gathering. I wasn't able to get a booth there this year but the Hagerty bags were floating around thanks to Dan Close, one of the organizers of the event and a true Hagerty fan! I also wanted to give a special thanks to the San Diego Woodies www.sandiegowoodies.com for another fantastic show.
Wavescrest is held on Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. There couldn't be a better location for an all Woodies show where over 280 woodies gathered in the parking lot this year. I have been told and experienced that participants at Wavecrest spend the day admiring the wood, swapping stories, surfing and barbecuing. The event begins at 7am and is officially over at 3:30 p.m., but the die-hard Woodie owners hang out at Moonlight Beach until past sunset. Mark your calenders for next year my friends.
great photos! good coverage, and you lucky so and so!